
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder services offered in Cherry Creek, Denver, CO

Autism spectrum disorders affect about one in 36 American children. Anyone can have an autism spectrum disorder, but they’re more common in boys than girls. At Paramount Health Directions in Denver, Colorado, holistic psychiatrists specialize in diagnosing and treating autism spectrum disorders in all ages. Call Paramount Health Directions to schedule an autism spectrum disorder consultation for your child or yourself, or book an appointment online today. 

What are autism spectrum disorders?

Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disabilities that affect the way a person thinks, behaves, and learns. The conditions range from mild to severe, but children with these disorders tend to have difficulty interacting and communicating with others.

There are three types of autism spectrum disorders: autism, Asperger syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). All of these conditions present similar symptoms, though some are more severe than others.

Do autism spectrum disorders present symptoms?

Autism spectrum disorder symptoms include:

  • Trouble using and understanding nonverbal communication
  • Delayed or absent language development
  • Trouble forming and understanding relationships
  • Intense or unusual interests
  • Sensory aversions, like fear of loud noises or bright lights
  • Insistence on sameness in environment and routine

Some children with autism spectrum disorders have repetitive motor behaviors. For example, your child might flap their arms, rock back and forth, or make loud noises. 

How are autism spectrum disorders diagnosed in children?

There isn’t a specific test that checks for autism spectrum disorders. To make a diagnosis, your child’s Paramount Health Directions provider completes a series of specialized screenings and evaluations, including:

Developmental surveillance

During developmental surveillance, your Paramount Health Directions provider observes your child’s growth and behavior. Specifically, they watch how your child communicates and interacts with others. Since growth and development occur over months and years, this evaluation is ongoing throughout childhood. 

Developmental screening

A developmental screening is a multi-part questionnaire that documents your child’s development and behavior. Your Paramount Health Directions provider compares your child’s behavior to other children of the same age. This helps them identify developmental issues that might be holding your child back.

Formal evaluation

During a formal evaluation, your child’s Paramount Health Directions provider completes a structured autism spectrum test. They also have you fill out a series of questionnaires about your child’s strengths and challenges.

How are autism spectrum disorders treated in children or adults?

Paramount Health Directions treats autism spectrum disorders using a holistic and integrative approach. Often, this includes healthy lifestyle changes, behavioral therapy, and prescription medication. 

Once your child reaches adolescence, they might benefit from transition services. Transition services teach your child to be independent so they can get a job and eventually go out on their own.

Adults with autism often benefit from behavioral therapy (counseling) and prescription medication, like serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Psychiatric drugs help alleviate anxiety and other autism-related symptoms, so it’s easier to interact socially and maintain personal responsibilities.

Call Paramount Health Directions to schedule an autism spectrum disorder consultation for your child or yourself, or request an appointment online today. 

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